Harshil Alignment™️
The Harshil Alignment™️ format is the whitespace-happy code style that was introduced by a certain core member to get on everyone’s nerves, but then make subsequently develop Stockholm Syndrome so that no-one in nf-core else now can look at Nextflow code without it.
The Harshil Alignment™️ format involves ensuring that common punctuation across multiple lines in a group are placed in the same location as each other.
There are many places where the format can be applied - it’s not just code, it can also applies to comment formatting - however common examples are as follows:
Curly Bracket Example
❌ Bad
include { SAMTOOLS_SORT } from '../../../modules/nf-core/samtools/sort/main'
include { SAMTOOLS_INDEX } from '../../../modules/nf-core/samtools/index/main'
include { BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS } from '../bam_stats_samtools/main'
✅ Good
include { SAMTOOLS_SORT } from '../../../modules/nf-core/samtools/sort/main'
include { SAMTOOLS_INDEX } from '../../../modules/nf-core/samtools/index/main'
include { BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS } from '../bam_stats_samtools/main'
Equals Example
❌ Bad
stats = BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS.out.stats // channel: [ val(meta), [ stats ] ]
flagstat = BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS.out.flagstat // channel: [ val(meta), [ flagstat ] ]
idxstats = BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS.out.idxstats // channel: [ val(meta), [ idxstats ] ]
✅ Good
stats = BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS.out.stats // channel: [ val(meta), [ stats ] ]
flagstat = BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS.out.flagstat // channel: [ val(meta), [ flagstat ] ]
idxstats = BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS.out.idxstats // channel: [ val(meta), [ idxstats ] ]
Comma Example
❌ Bad
tuple val(meta), path("*.bam"), emit: bam, optional:true
tuple val(meta), path("*.log"), emit: log
tuple val(meta), path("*fastq.gz"), emit: fastq, optional:true
path "versions.yml", emit: versions
✅ Good
tuple val(meta), path("*.bam") , emit: bam , optional:true
tuple val(meta), path("*.log") , emit: log
tuple val(meta), path("*fastq.gz"), emit: fastq , optional:true
path "versions.yml" , emit: versions
Colon Example (Comments)
❌ Bad
print_version // boolean: print version
dump_parameters // boolean: dump parameters
outdir // path: base directory used to publish pipeline results
check_conda_channels // boolean: check conda channels
✅ Good
print_version // boolean: print version
dump_parameters // boolean: dump parameters
outdir // path: base directory used to publish pipeline results
check_conda_channels // boolean: check conda channels